
In the guide below, you will learn how to shorten a sweatshirt while maintaining the integrity of the original hem. This is a great simple solution for a sweatshirt that is too long for everyday wear.

  1. 4TxFNcKTiOm5oNBi
    • Lay your crewneck on a flat surface.

  2. uWWXUlQ3UnLQWflB
    • Find your new desired length and mark it with chalk.

    • Using your chalk mark, use a ruler to mark across the width of your crewneck.

  3. K5wnJYqoAOe2DDYh
    • Measure one inch below your desired length and mark using chalk.

  4. duH63d11uap14hFY
    • Cut along your newly marked line.

    • Make sure to cut one layer at a time to ensure a clean cut.

  5. btRx3rIVNMylFTrQ
    • Using a ruler, mark 1/2 an inch up from the hem of your crewneck.

  6. qeuSCoiSwywyWxPF
    • Cut along your newly marked line.

    • Make sure to cut one layer at a time to ensure a clean cut.

  7. DbWBxQVKwuEeOp1K
    • Flip the hem inside out and align with the cut edge of your crewneck.

    • Make sure the pieces are "good side" to "good side" by ensuring the seams are facing outward.

  8. SHVw6iSTxBJAcjbc
    • Pin both pieces together with all pins facing perpendicularly to the lines you marked.

  9. b14eFYNJWZ2PHZby
    • Sew one inch away from the edge, removing the pins as you go.

    • This step can also be done by hand with thread and a needle.

  10. teysI1KLY2iWCHCB
    • Flip the hem right side out and admire your creation!

Izzy DeLaGarza

Member since: 05/11/24

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