This guide will show you how to extract a screw that has broken while being embedded inside its hole, along with showing you how to replace it with a new one. This process works for screws inside walls, pieces of lumber, or metal. The guide requires a couple of power tools, so you should always use the necessary precautions when using them to avoid any injuries.
Use an angle grinder to grind the tip of the broken screw until its surface is smooth and even.
Place a center punch in the middle of the tip of the screw.
Use a hammer to hit the center punch to make a dent in the center of the embedded screw.
Place a center drill bit in the dent made in the previous step and start drilling until it expands enough to fit the standard drill bit inside it.
Make a hole in the tip of the screw by drilling with a standard drill bit.
Keep drilling until the hole reaches near the end of the screw.
One comment
It all sounds great, but... It didn't work. I have a Porter-Cable older router. The first screw in the base came out without a problem, and the other 2 screws wouldn't budge. I tried various penetrating oils and nothing. I drilled one of the screws and tried an extractor...nothing. I cut off the screw and drilled clean through, then tried the extractor again...nothing. So, what's left of the screw is drilled out, won't budge with a hole, and is laughing at me.
Although I haven't tried it yet, I was going to cut of the base, leaving the screw intact, getting some vise grips and try to twist it out.
Any other ideas??