Use this guide to lift the casing pipe of an Afridev pump out of the pump in order to repair a broken or damaged segment of the pipe.
Perform a water test on the pump, by raising and lowering the handle a full 40 strokes. A properly performing pump will yield greater than 10 liters.
Loosen the bolt on front of the face plate with the Afridev tool.
Remove the plate from the pump by lifting it straight up.
Grab firmly on the T-handle and lift the pump rod straight up.
Expose the first connection of the pump rod, and support the portion below the connection.
While holding the pump rod below the first connection tightly, lower the first portion of the rod to a horizontal position.
Unhook the first connection by pushing it out and down, then pulling it away from the rest of the rod.
Place one wrench on the top side of the top base of the tank spout.
Place another wrench on the underside of the bolt in order to get more leverage.
Pull the top wrench to the right, and the bottom wrench to the left.
Slightly twist the head flange until the corners overhang the top of the tank, far enough so that you can grab them.
With two people holding each end of the rope, remove the support underneath the top plate and lower the plate.
This may require a bit of force, since the plate may be attached tightly.
Lift the casing from the borehole, simultaneously pulling up on the ropes to support the casing.
When you reach the portion of the casing that needs to be repaired, tie the casing support ropes onto the frame.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
One comment
It is much easier to lift the riser pipe AFTER you removed the foot valve. Removal of the foot valve requires use of the foot valve fish tool, being attached to the original rods (without using the piston and rod) and carefully lowered into the riser main. When it reaches bottom, turn it up to about 90 degree and see if it drops any during that turn. Then pull up sharply to remove the foot valve from its seat, and proceed with removing all the rods, fish tool and foot valve. When the foot valve comes off the seat, you may hear water running down the riser pipe, this is not a problem. That water was just being held above static water level by the working foot valve.