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X-Treme Tablet Generation 2


The XTreme Generation 2 Tablet by Android is a a 7'' Multi-Touch HD Screen that responds to a wide array of gestures. Featuring rich Android OS technology, this tablet contains 4GB of memory and a micro SD Slot for extra storage. With Wi-Fi capabilities, this device can connect to your wireless network at home or hotspots on-the-go. Finally, there is a front facing camera that can be used for social networking, pictures, videos, & more. The built in speaker allows for easy listening and advanced communication.

Naturally, as it was released in 2013, the MST-711 has been outpaced by later models. However, due to the prior features and and reliability, this is a tablet that does not need to go to waste.


The X-Treme Tablet Generation 2 model number (MST-711) is stamped onto the back case of the tablet.

Additional Information

X-Treme manufactures website

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